Large File Sharing

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

Unlike other platforms, MX supports the transfer of large files without size restrictions. This means you can easily share large datasets, high-resolution media, or software packages, resulting in efficient and uninterrupted workflows.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

MX’s sophisticated send/receive features enable fast data transfers for teams and departments, guaranteeing secure exchange of large files and folder structures at high velocities.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

Our services meet the highest security standards, including GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001. We use 256-bit AES encryption, detailed audit logs, and customisable data sovereignty to enable secure data transfers, stringent access controls, and robust user authentication to assist businesses in protecting sensitive information while also ensuring data accountability and transparency.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

MX Enterprise from My MX Data is a premium solution with progressive data security. It converts your data to an unintelligible format, splits it up, and sends it to many locations for maximum security.

Data is retrieved and returned to its original, clear state. By utilising our exclusive technology, the information is sent with complete confidentiality, preventing unauthorised interpretation. Additionally, our adaptable technology preserves data sovereignty by allowing customers to select the location of their data shards.

05. Streamlined Version Control

Maintain the most current versions of your files effortlessly using MX Distribute. This software obviates the necessity of reuploads, guaranteeing universal access to the most up-to-date versions without any inconvenience.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX’s sophisticated collaboration tools facilitate seamless and efficient exchanges of large-scale data. Enhance operational efficiency and increase output in your organisation’s cloud storage framework by minimising administrative tasks.

07. Data-Centric Chat

MX Conversations, which is built into the file sharing platform, enables seamless collaboration on large files. Discuss projects, share insights, and clarify details all from the same user-friendly interface.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Customise the expiration dates for file access, include appropriate comments, and adjust recipient lists and settings to guarantee the secure sharing of project data. Enable the smooth and lawful transfer of data among multiple companies in large-scale projects, while ensuring the protection and accountability of intellectual property.

09. Organised Data Distribution

MX helps you stay organised and streamline your data distribution. Group recipients by project, create favourite recipient groups, and effectively manage your address book to simplify the distribution of project data.

10. Linked Transactions

Interested in establishing connections between correlated transactions while maintaining their distinctiveness? Linked Transactions enable the preservation of each transaction’s distinct identity, ensuring a seamless and effective workflow.

11. Comprehensive User Management

Manage a diverse user network across multiple teams or companies, with the ability to add or remove users in bulk or individually. Promote members to supervisory or administrative positions as needed. Efficiently manage large-scale compliant data exchanges across multiple companies, protecting intellectual property and ensuring accountability.

12. Robust Audit Trail

Streamline user administration across multiple teams or organisations, with the option to import or remove users in bulk or individually. Users can be promoted to team leaders or administrators. Oversee compliant data sharing at scale in multi-company projects to ensure intellectual property protection and accountability.

13. Instant Notifications

Stay informed with alerts for data downloads, transaction comments, expired file access, and pending downloads to ensure smooth and effective teamwork.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

MX’s customisation tools allow you to redefine your company’s digital image. Personalise your portal with your company’s logo, colour scheme, and branding elements to ensure a professional and consistent appearance that resonates with your target audience.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
About My MX Data
Mastering Large File Sharing with My MX Data

Sharing large files can be a logistical hurdle for many businesses, but My MX Data has engineered a solution that puts an end to the struggle. Whether you’re in the B2B sector or running a diverse company, our platform can handle large file sharing with unmatched speed and security. Don’t let size limit your business opportunities; make large file sharing a seamless part of your operations with My MX Data.

In a digital landscape where large files have become the norm rather than the exception, our platform excels by offering simplified yet robust solutions. We cut the complexity, not the features. Say goodbye to server timeouts and corrupted files; we ensure that your large file sharing needs are met with reliability and efficiency.

Choose My MX Data and revolutionise your approach to large file sharing for business. Our platform is not just about file size; it’s about making large-scale data sharing a frictionless, secure experience. With My MX Data, large file sharing isn’t a challenge; it’s an asset.

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