Cloud Storage Business Solutions

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

MX stands out for its ability to send large files with no size restrictions. Whether transferring large datasets, high-resolution media, or bulky software, MX ensures a smooth data-sharing experience while maintaining efficient and uninterrupted workflows.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

Experience lightning-fast data transfers with MX, thanks to its advanced send/receive capabilities. Effortlessly and reliably distribute substantial files and directories, improving cooperation among teams and departments.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

My MX Data prioritises security and compliance with industry standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001. We offer strong 256-bit AES encryption, detailed audit logs, and adaptable data sovereignty. Our platform supports secure data transfers, strict access controls, and comprehensive user authentication, allowing businesses to safeguard sensitive information, comply with regulations, and ensure accountability and transparency.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

MX Enterprise, as offered in higher tier plan, gives your company unmatched data protection capabilities. It disperses your data across several geographical places, concealing it and enhancing security by breaking it up. The data is assembled back into its original, understandable shape upon retrieval.

By utilising our exclusive technology, all communicated data is perfectly confidential, rendering any unauthorised extraction impossible. Additionally, our flexible approach respects users’ right to control where their data pieces are placed.

05. Streamlined Version Control

MX Distribute streamlines the release of software updates and data packages, eliminating the need to manually upload them for each new recipient. This guarantees the ability to obtain the most recent versions while efficiently monitoring the adoption rate.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX’s advanced collaboration tools streamline the process of exchanging large amounts of data. This feature aids in diminishing administrative workload and amplifying productivity within the cloud storage infrastructure of your company.

07. Data-Centric Chat

MX Conversations seamlessly blend data sharing and discourse, allowing for clear discussions about project specifics, timelines, and goals.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Customise the expiration dates for file access, add comments, and adjust recipient lists and settings to ensure secure sharing of project data with the relevant individuals. Efficiently oversee extensive, legally compliant data transfers between project teams comprising multiple companies, ensuring the safeguarding of intellectual property’s security and traceability.

09. Organised Data Distribution

To simplify project data distribution, organise your recipients by project, create favourite recipient groups, and manage your address book.

10. Linked Transactions

Linked Transactions use bridges to connect related operations and conversations while maintaining each transaction’s unique identity.

11. Comprehensive User Management

Simplify user administration across multiple teams or enterprises by allowing bulk or individual user import/removal. Promote members to supervisory or administrative positions. Efficiently manage compliant data sharing in multi-company projects while protecting intellectual property and maintaining accountability.

12. Robust Audit Trail

Coordinate a large user network across multiple teams or businesses, with the ability to add and remove users in bulk or individually. Assign leadership responsibilities to users as needed. Manage large-scale compliant data exchanges across multiple companies while ensuring intellectual asset protection and accountability.

13. Instant Notifications

Receive instant notifications for data downloads, transaction comments, expiring file access, and pending downloads, ensuring seamless collaboration.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

Make MX truly yours by customising your portal with your company’s logo, colours, and branding using our whitelabelling feature. Maintain a consistent and professional image that impresses clients and boosts team morale.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
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