Encrypted File Sharing (U.S.)

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

Experience the convenience of sending large files without any limitations on size using MX. MX offers seamless data-sharing capabilities for large datasets, high-resolution media, and bulky software, ensuring efficient and uninterrupted workflows.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

MX enhances data transfer speeds through its send/receive capabilities, allowing for secure collaboration and sharing of large files and folders among teams and departments.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

My MX Data ensures exceptional protection and compliance by meeting top security standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001.

Our services utilize 256-bit AES encryption, comprehensive audit logs, and adaptable data sovereignty. By implementing secure data transfers, strict access controls, and strong user authentication, businesses can guarantee the protection of their sensitive information, adhere to regulatory requirements, and promote accountability and transparency in all their activities.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

MX Enterprise is an additional feature we offer, which provides you with state-of-the-art data protection capabilities. It enhances security by transforming your data into an unreadable format, fragmenting it, and distributing it to multiple global destinations. The data is reconstituted to its initial, transparent state upon retrieval.

Our patented, proprietary technology guarantees the utmost confidentiality of transferred data, thereby prohibiting unauthorised extraction. Furthermore, our flexible system ensures data sovereignty by permitting users to specify the precise whereabouts of their data segments.

05. Streamlined Version Control

MX Distribute allows for seamless maintenance of software updates and data packages. This functionality obviates the necessity of reuploads, guaranteeing universal availability of the most up-to-date iterations.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX’s cloud storage solution offers immediate collaboration, making it advantageous for small business teams. Efficiently modify, add comments to, and revise documents in real-time to ensure projects stay on schedule.

07. Data-Centric Chat

The MX Conversations tool improves the security and efficiency of encrypted file sharing by offering a centralized platform for sharing data and facilitating discussions.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Modify file-access expiration dates, include pertinent comments, and modify recipient lists and settings to securely distribute project data to the appropriate individuals. Oversee extensive and legally compliant data transfers in projects involving multiple companies, while ensuring the safeguarding of intellectual property.

09. Organised Data Distribution

MX’s user-friendly file management system facilitates the organization of large files. Classify, label, and organize files to expedite retrieval and enhance workflow efficiency.

10. Linked Transactions

Connect related transactions and conversations while preserving each transaction’s unique identity with Linked Transactions.

11. Comprehensive User Management

What are the most effective strategies for managing a large user network? Facilitate user administration across multiple teams or enterprises by enabling the import or removal of users in bulk or individually. Facilitate the advancement of individuals to supervisory or administrative positions and oversee the secure exchange of information in multi-company projects, ensuring the safeguarding of intellectual property.

12. Robust Audit Trail

How do you manage large user networks? By utilizing the capability to add or remove users in large quantities or individually, allocate administrative or supervisory duties, and manage extensive compliant data sharing in multi-company projects, you can effectively uphold intellectual property security and traceability.

13. Instant Notifications

To increase the effectiveness of your collaborative work, receive alerts about pending downloads, expiring file access, new comments on transactions, and downloads.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

MX’s white-label capabilities allow you to create a smooth and polished brand experience. Personalize your portal by incorporating your logo, selecting specific colors, and implementing distinctive branding elements to establish a unified appearance that attracts clients and enhances team collaboration.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
About My MX Data
Why Businesses Choose MX for Encrypted File Sharing

Secure file transfer is no longer just a luxury but a crucial requirement in today’s business environment. At My MX Data, we excel in providing encrypted file sharing solutions tailored for businesses, positioning us as a front-runner in the domain of secure business file transfer. Our platform ensures that secure data transfer is an effortless, integral component of your daily operations, catering to both small businesses and large enterprises with our bespoke solutions.

We offer comprehensive encryption services for both individual file sharing and large-scale data transfers, ensuring the highest level of security from start to finish. Our suite includes various services and software for encrypted file sharing and transfers, designed to integrate secure data handling seamlessly into your business practices.

Explore why numerous businesses choose My MX Data as their preferred platform for encrypted file sharing and secure file transfers. Embrace a new era of secure business data handling with us.

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