File Sharing for Small Business (U.S.)

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

Experience the liberty to transfer sizable files without any limitations on file size using MX. MX guarantees seamless data transfers and workflows, whether it involves sharing extensive datasets, high-resolution media, or intricate software packages.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

Discover the effectiveness of MX’s send/receive functionalities, which guarantee prompt and secure data transfers among different teams and departments. Easily share substantial files and directories.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

My MX Data guarantees compliance and protection by strictly adhering to the most stringent security standards, such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001.

We employ 256-bit AES encryption, comprehensive audit logs, and customizable data sovereignty. By implementing secure data transfers, strict access controls, and strong user authentication, businesses can safeguard their sensitive information, adhere to regulatory requirements, and establish accountability and transparency. This fosters trust and reliability in their data security protocols.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

MX Enterprise, a premium offering from My MX Data, provides advanced data protection capabilities. It improves security by transforming your data into an unintelligible format prior to fragmenting and distributing it across distinct global zones. The data is restored to its initial, comprehensible format upon retrieval.

Our patented technology ensures that the data being transferred is kept in complete confidentiality, thereby thwarting unauthorsed access. In addition, our system’s configurability ensures data sovereignty by allowing users to determine the precise locations of their data chunks.

05. Streamlined Version Control

MX Distribute allows for the efficient distribution of software updates and data packages. By removing the need for reuploads, it ensures recipients always have the latest versions.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX’s tools are designed to assist small businesses in streamlining their data sharing processes and simplifying administrative tasks, thereby optimizing their workflow.

07. Data-Centric Chat

MX Conversations streamlines the communication of project details, timelines, and goals to recipients by integrating data sharing and discussion on a single platform.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Configure file-access expiration dates, add comments, and customize recipient lists and settings to ensure secure sharing of project data. Enable the smooth and legally compliant sharing of data among multiple companies in collaborative projects, while ensuring the protection of intellectual property.

09. Organised Data Distribution

Categorize recipients according to projects, create preferred recipient groups, and manage an address book to facilitate data organization and distribution.

10. Linked Transactions

Linked Transactions allows you to connect related transactions and conversations while keeping each transaction’s unique identity.

11. Comprehensive User Management

Facilitate the organization and collaboration of a vast user network spanning multiple teams or businesses. This platform offers the capability to efficiently add or remove users in large quantities or individually, allocate leadership roles as required, and oversee secure data transfers between multiple companies, guaranteeing the safeguarding of intellectual property and accountability.

12. Robust Audit Trail

With its comprehensive audit trail that records every user’s unique login credentials, MX’s file sharing software offers unparalleled accountability and transparency by tracking every interaction with data back to its source.

13. Instant Notifications

Get real-time notifications for new comments, expiring file accesses, pending downloads, and file downloads to make sure your teamwork stays efficient and productive.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

Elevate your corporate identity with MX’s tailored customization capabilities. Customize your portal by incorporating your company’s logo, color scheme, and branding elements to enhance its refined and professional look.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
About My MX Data
Why Small Businesses Choose MX for File Sharing

At My MX Data, we acknowledge the distinct needs of small businesses concerning file sharing. We aren’t just another entity in the cloud service realm; we are a specialized platform, providing agile, tailored solutions catering to your specific data and file transfer requirements. In a market saturated with generic solutions, we distinguish ourselves by offering secure, intuitive, and scalable file sharing solutions, meticulously designed for the dynamic environment of small enterprises.

In the realm of small businesses, time equates to money, and efficiency reigns supreme. Hence, we furnish seamless integration options to render cloud data sharing and file transfers as uncomplicated and efficient as possible. Rely on My MX Data to safeguard your data and ensure your business remains compliant, be it sharing files within office premises or across continents.

Opt for My MX Data for a novel perspective on small business file sharing. We consistently secure positions among the premier file sharing services for small enterprises, extending a blend of secure data sharing and resilient cloud-based alternatives. Discover why a growing number of small businesses are opting for the unparalleled services of My MX Data.

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