File Sharing for Small Business

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

Unlike other platforms, MX allows you to share large files without size restrictions. MX ensures smooth and efficient data transfers, allowing for uninterrupted workflows when transferring large datasets, high-resolution media, and software packages.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

MX’s send/receive capabilities facilitate rapid and secure data exchange among different teams, departments, and supply chains. Take advantage of rapid uploads for large files and folders.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

My MX Data guarantees top-notch security and compliance with well-known standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001. We use advanced 256-bit AES encryption, detailed audit logs, and customisable data sovereignty. Our platform enables secure data transfers, stringent access controls, and comprehensive user authentication, assisting businesses in protecting sensitive information, maintaining regulatory compliance, and ensuring data integrity and transparency.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

MX Enterprise is a premium service from My MX Data that provides you with advanced data protection features. To improve security, it converts your data into an unintelligible format before dividing and distributing it around other worldwide zones. The data is returned to its original, comprehensible format upon retrieval.

Our unique, patent-protected technology ensures that the supplied data is completely private and keeps unauthorised access at bay. Additionally, our flexible solution allows customers to choose where their data chunks are stored, protecting data sovereignty.

05. Streamlined Version Control

MX Distribute provides a streamlined and secure method for exchanging data through the use of encrypted file sharing. Effortlessly migrate files, directories, and multiple collections while retaining authority and complying with data security regulations.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX offers a cloud storage solution specifically designed for small businesses, enabling team members to collaborate in real-time. Revise, add comments to, and update documents immediately to guarantee a continuous flow of work for the project.

07. Data-Centric Chat

MX Conversations combines data sharing and discussion into one platform, making it simple to communicate project details, timelines, and intentions to recipients.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Configure file-access expiration dates, add annotations, and customise recipient lists and settings to securely distribute project data to the intended audience. Efficiently oversee the secure and reliable exchange of compliant data in multi-company projects, while safeguarding the security and authenticity of intellectual property.

09. Organised Data Distribution

Organise recipients by project, create favourite recipient groups, and manage an address book to make it easier to organise and distribute your data.

10. Linked Transactions

Require a method to preserve distinct identities while establishing connections between transactions and conversations within your organisation? Linked Transactions enable the seamless connection of related activities, ensuring that each transaction maintains its distinctiveness and integrity.

11. Comprehensive User Management

Streamline user administration across multiple teams or organisations, with the option to import or remove users in bulk or individually. Users can be promoted to team leaders or administrators. Oversee compliant data sharing at scale in multi-company projects to ensure intellectual property protection and accountability.

12. Robust Audit Trail

Manage an extensive user network across multiple teams or companies, with the ability to add or remove users in bulk or individually. Assign administrative or supervisory responsibilities to users. Handle large-scale compliant data sharing in multi-company projects while maintaining intellectual property security and traceability.

13. Instant Notifications

Improve your team’s collaboration by receiving notifications for downloaded data, new comments on transactions, expired file access, and pending downloads.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

Integrate MX’s customisation features to enhance your corporate identity. Personalise your portal with your company’s logo, colour scheme, and branding elements to give it a polished and professional appearance.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
About My MX Data
Why Small Businesses Choose MX for File Sharing

At My MX Data, we understand that small businesses have unique demands when it comes to file sharing. We’re not just another cloud-based service; we’re a specialised platform offering agile solutions for your data and file transfer needs. In a marketplace that’s crowded with one-size-fits-all options, we stand out by delivering secure, easy-to-use, and scalable file sharing solutions designed for the agility of small enterprises.

Time is money, and in the small business landscape, efficiency is king. That’s why we offer seamless integration options to make cloud data sharing and file transfer as straightforward as possible. You can trust My MX Data to keep your data secure and your business compliant, whether you’re sharing files across the room or across the globe.

Choose My MX Data for a fresh approach to small business file sharing. We’re consistently ranked among the top file sharing services for small businesses, offering both secure data sharing and robust cloud-based options. See for yourself why small businesses are making the switch to My MX Data.

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