File Sharing Software

What Makes My MX Data Stand Out?

01. Unlimited File Size Transfer

MX distinguishes itself from other platforms by offering an unparalleled ability to send large files with no size restrictions. Whether you’re working with large datasets, high-resolution media, or extensive software packages, MX ensures smooth and efficient data sharing, allowing you to continue working without interruption.

02. Ultra-Fast File Sharing

Witness the velocity of MX’s send/receive functionalities, enabling swift and secure data transfers among teams and supply chains. Easily transfer and synchronise extensive files and directories.

03. Robust Security and Compliance

We adhere to security and compliance standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, ITAR, and ISO 27001. We provide secure data transfers, strict access controls, and thorough user authentication, ensuring businesses can safeguard sensitive data while remaining compliant, thanks to 256-bit AES encryption, meticulous audit trails, and flexible data sovereignty.

04. Anonymisation and Sharding

Users of file-sharing software can benefit from cutting-edge data protection provided by My MX Data’s flagship solution, MX Enterprise. It increases your security by transforming your data into an unrecognisable format, tearing it into fragments, and dispersing it over several geographical places.

The data is returned to its initial, readable state upon download. Thanks to our proprietary technology, every sent piece of data maintains full confidentiality, rendering any attempt at unauthorised access impossible. Additionally, our adaptable technology respects data sovereignty by letting users decide where to put their data pieces.

05. Streamlined Version Control

MX Distribute facilitates the seamless deployment of software updates and data packages, obviating the necessity for reuploads. Recipients consistently have access to the latest iterations, facilitating effortless monitoring of their adoption.

06. Advanced Collaboration Tools

MX’s tools enhance the efficiency of small businesses by streamlining data sharing and simplifying administrative tasks.

07. Data-Centric Chat

MX Conversations combines data sharing and discussion into one simple platform, allowing you to seamlessly clarify project details, deadlines, and goals with recipients.

08. Customisable Security Settings

Modify the expiration dates for file access, add comments, and personalise recipient lists and settings in order to securely distribute project data to the appropriate recipients. Effectively manage extensive, legally compliant data transfers in collaborative projects involving multiple companies, while safeguarding intellectual property.

09. Organised Data Distribution

To streamline your data storage and distribution processes, organise recipients by project, create favourite recipient groups, and manage an address book.

10. Linked Transactions

How can you maintain data integrity while ensuring connectivity within a complex workflow? Linked Transactions enables seamless integration of interconnected operations and discussions, while maintaining the distinct attributes of each individual transaction.

11. Comprehensive User Management

Coordinate user management across multiple teams or businesses, with flexible options for bulk or individual user import/delete. Assign leadership positions to users. Manage compliant data sharing across multiple companies while protecting intellectual property and maintaining traceability.

12. Robust Audit Trail

MX enables secure collaboration with external contacts, even those without an MX account. Our detailed audit trail captures each external user’s unique login credentials, providing unprecedented transparency and accountability by tracking every data interaction back to its source.

13. Instant Notifications

Maintain high collaboration efficiency by receiving notifications for sent data downloads, new comments, expired file access, and pending downloads.

14. Customisable Whitelabelling

Customise MX to reflect your brand’s unique identity. Use our whitelabelling feature to customise your portal with your company’s logo, colours, and branding, ensuring a professional and consistent appearance.

Case Studies
Thousands Of Businesses Use MX To Share IP Securely
As Trusted By
Companies We’ve Worked With
About My MX Data
File Sharing Software: A Business Essential by My MX Data

In an age where data is the cornerstone of business, choosing the right file sharing software can be a game-changer. My MX Data provides top-rated, reliable file sharing solutions tailored specifically for business use, whether you’re a small enterprise or a multinational corporation. Our platform boasts advanced features, making it the best-rated file sharing software for business.

Efficiency and security go hand in hand at My MX Data. With our business-focused file sharing software, not only do you enjoy streamlined data transfers, but you also benefit from enterprise-grade security features. Looking for file sharing software with encryption? We’ve got you covered. Our suite is suitable for business of all sizes and scopes, making us a leading name in business file sharing software solutions.

In the vast landscape of business-level file sharing software, My MX Data stands out for its focus on the unique needs of each business. Don’t just take our word for it; our award-winning software has consistently received rave reviews. As your trusted partner, My MX Data aims to be your go-to choice for efficient, high-quality, and secure file sharing in the professional business environment.

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